Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Gift of Time

'Time is money' is a well quoted statement, especially in the business world. We have realised that we can regain many things; money, health, opportunities, relationships, etc. but the one thing we cannot regain is time. So when you give the gift of your time to another human being it makes a powerful statement about the value you place on them. 

When thinking about giving quality time to another person, you need to understand the difference between connection and proximity. For example, you can be with someone in a room watching a video together and think you are spending quality time, but really there is very little connection involved in that scenario. For true connection you need to be engaging in some good conversation, where you draw out thoughts and feelings and share what is in your heart. 

Listening, talking and giving of yourself is really what quality time is all about. If the person you are with doesn't have your undivided attention then they will quickly pick up that you are not interested in being with them. For some keys to quality conversation read my article The Secret to Being a Great Conversationalist.

Being truly ‘present in the moment’ with someone is an art that seems to be less practiced in our fast paced culture of busy lives with smart phones claiming all our attention. But when you give of yourself in this way to someone you make a huge deposit in their life and nurture the relationship. 

It is often the ones who are closest to us that we spend the least time with.  We may occupy the same space with them, but do we really connect and give them our time?  Can I challenge you today to make the investment of time with your friends and family? Both you and they will be glad you did.


  1. I followed 'a nudge' inside and asked my husband if he would like a foot rub. "That would be nice," he nodded.
    As I rubbed his foot I again felt the 'nudge'.
    This time it was, "You'll be glad if you keep going for 20 minutes. Not many people do that, but it is especially nice, and you won't regret it."
    Twenty minutes later ... I was glad I had continued. Definitely.

  2. And I wanted to put on a podcast, to listen while I rubbed. But I was 'nudged' that silence is best right now.
    It was sweet after the time passed, to realize that my 'sacrifice' of no noise was actually refreshing for me as well as my husband. I needed it and didn't even know it.
